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User account

Sign up for a Kids Caring 4 Kids account today!

Once you've registered, you can comment on blog posts, sign the guest book, and, most importantly, you can host your own online fund raising page in support of Kids Caring 4 Kids!

Instructions for getting started with your own fund raising page will be sent to you once you've been registered.

Creating Your Account

The first time you log in, you will be asked for a user name and a password. Write these down because you'll need this info each time you sign in.

For tips on building a fundraising web page for yourself or your group, click here.

Sign up for a Kids Caring 4 Kids account today. Once you've registered, you can comment on blog posts, sign the guest book, and, most importantly, you can host your own online fund raising page in support of Kids Caring 4 Kids! Instructions for getting started with your own fund raising page will be sent to you once you've been registered. Thanks!

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