KC4K Newsletter Vol. 5 - April 2010

A Dream Come True … I’m Going to Africa!

I can’t believe it!  In June I’m going to Africa. Now I will get to see our efforts of five years in action! My family will travel with our partners in Zambia and South Africa. We’ll visit two orphan care centers we support, a well project, and a bike distribution.  

It will be incredible to meet the African kids and see how KC4K is bringing them joy and hope.  I can’t wait to play soccer with them! Until then I am busy with school, KC4K and LOTS of college visits.  Thanks so much for all your support!  …. Kendall

Two of the life-changing KC4K projects that we'll see up close in South Africa and Zambia  

Changing Kids Lives … with a Bike!  For most of us, a bike is just for taking a ride with a friend or maybe for racing. But in Zambia, a bike empowers youth to get to school, stay safe, and it gives their family access to medical care, and food. Most of these students walk 4 to 6 miles to school one way.

Already Kids Caring 4 Kids has provided 200 specially built bikes to Zambian students, working with World Bicycle Relief. The rack on the back holds up to 220 lbs. So it can be used to take siblings to school, a sick child to the doctor, or goods to and from the market. The impact is so great that we want to provide 200 more bikes this year. The cost is just $134 per bike, but it can bring hope to an entire family.

Providing Clean Water to Vulnerable Children… Women and children walk hours to fetch water in Zambia. But when they carry it home, they often find it is contaminated and makes people sick. Sadly, less than 40% of the people in Zambia have access to clean water. Working with World Vision, KC4K has provided money for wells to supply safe water for two communities (600-800 people). The people dance when the clean water pours out! What a thrill to be able to visit a village where people are celebrating this amazing gift of clean water.