KC4K Newsletter Vol. 2 - July 2008

Kenyan Kids Say Thanks!

Why are these Kenyan students saying thanks? Because KC4K provided the funds to buy 10 acres and build a Girls’ Dorm for orphans in Ngulini—and the kids are watching it go up! Built in partnership with Bright Hope International who has multi-faceted work in this impoverished community, the dorm will be “home” for over 30 girls, mostly AIDS orphans, who now sleep several to a bed in a crowded classroom. When complete, the dorm will give them their own bed, a dining area and daily meals, stability, and lots of love.

Kenya: Hope for Life Center Changing Lives

Thanks to construction funds from Kids Caring 4 Kids, over 100 children are taken care of every day at Hope for Life Kenya. Here kids age 4-19 living in poverty and with little family support receive nutritious meals, support and counseling, skill and homework help, and lots of love! AIDS has taken its toll on these kids: About one third have one parent with HIV/AIDS, and about one third are totally orphaned. Central to HFL Kenya is a daily feeding program begun by Josephine Kiarii, who noticed children in the community tired all the time and unable to do well in school. It was no wonder! Many of them went without eating all day. At the HFL Center, these kids get one good meal a day. But HFL offers much MORE than just a meal. Along with medical care and education, these needy children now have a sense of “family” and hope.

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Its so so so sweet

Its so so so sweet